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Social partnership successes

When it comes to internal labour-related issues, social partnership is one of the most important pillars. The employee representation (ERB) is composed of elected associates in the individual (EAV) and collective employment contract (GAV). Currently are 12 out of 13 employee representatives (ERB) members of the NAV board and technical experts.
The Board of Trustees of the Novartis Pension Fund 1 & 2 is composed of employer and employee representatives which in the current period of office (1.1.2020 - 31.12.2024) consist mainly of NAV Executive Board members on the employee side.
4 members of the employee representation (ERB) are currently representing Switzerland as country at the Novartis Euroforum (NEF). 3 delegates are members of the NAV board. More information about the NEF can be found here.
The NAV has advocated for 25 years
What we have been able to achieve
Strengthen your voice your rights and your benefits
The NAV takes a clear position
NAV track record
Strengthen your position, elect the NAV team